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Endoscopic Sinus Surgery is an advanced surgical procedure mainly performed to remove blockages in the sinuses because these blockages can cause Sinusitis. Today, most of the sinus surgeries are performed by using an Endoscopic technique instead of traditional open surgery. Endoscopic Sinus Surgery is the most effective, advanced surgical method than traditional sinus surgery and it is performed if sinusitis is occurred due to a deviated septum, polyps or other structural problems.
Sinusitis is the swelling in sinuses which causes congestion and discomfort. Several factors can cause blockages of nasal passages.
- Infections by bacteria, fungi or viruses
- Growth of polyps on the lining of sinuses
- Allergies
- A deviated septum (crooked wall in between nostrils)
- Sinusitis
- Septal deviations
- Nasal polyps
- To reduce severity of sinus infections
- To provide relief from symptoms of sinusitis
- To improve airflow through the nose
- To Improve patient’s sense of smell
Endoscopic Sinus Surgery is more beneficial than traditional open sinus surgery. It is more advanced and successful surgery. Major benefits of endoscopic sinus surgery include:
- Less blood loss
- No big tissue cut
- Faster recovery
- Fewer chances of infection
- Less pain
- Smaller scars
- Endoscopic Sinus Surgery is a very common surgical procedure and performed by an experienced ENT surgeon only.
- Patient should strictly stop taking medication unless instructed by the doctor or the anesthesiologist.
- First of all, doctor examines patient’s overall health before starting actual surgery.
- A local anesthesia is given to patient for making operating area numb.
- For endoscopic sinus surgery procedure, a surgeon uses a very thin and flexible instrument known as an Endoscope. Surgeon also uses a thin camera rod with a light at the end to provide visualization and magnification of the sinus tissues.
- During the procedure, surgeon inserts endoscope into the patient’s nose. One instrument has a small camera lens which sends images back to a screen.
- These images are very helpful for doctor so that doctor can find out exact location of blockages in sinuses and guide the specialized instruments to safely and effectively remove causes of sinus blockage like natural blockages, nasal polyps and scar tissue.
- Specialized instruments are also used to straighten the septum and reduce the size of the turbinates.
- During the endoscopic sinus surgery procedure, patient’s health is continuously monitored. The whole procedure usually takes few hours.
- Endoscopic Sinus Surgery does not involve any big tissue cutting as it is performed through the nostrils. Hence patient’s recovery is much faster and easier.
- After the successful surgery, patient’s health is monitored for any side effects. Patient can go home on the same day or on the next day.
- If patients have any questions or they feel that they are developing a reaction due to medications then patient should consult doctor immediately. Patients should take medicines as per the prescription only.
Depending on the extent of the surgery, recovery can take a few days. Generally patients can be fully recovered within 3 to 5 days. Patient should regularly visit doctor for follow ups.